A virtual gallery of Star Wars political art (part 2)

As I’ve come across them, I’ve been posting examples of Star Wars-inspired political art on Instagram (@michaelharrisbooks). Starting with a previous post, I’ve been republishing some of my favourites. If you’ve seen other examples (or can help with some of the artist attributions I haven’t been able to find), do let me know.

Julian Callos @juliancallos contributed this piece, titled "Rebel", to the Art Awakens show in Los Angeles in 2015, which featured over 100 brand new pieces of Star Wars inspired art. The works were auctioned for charity.

Julian Callos @juliancallos contributed this piece, titled "Rebel", to the Art Awakens show in Los Angeles in 2015, which featured over 100 brand new pieces of Star Wars inspired art. The works were auctioned for charity.

Artist unknown.

Artist unknown.

Artist unknown, via @StandwithHK on Twitter.

Artist unknown, via @StandwithHK on Twitter.

Bob Al-Greene @bobalgreene drawing on Shepard Fairey's Obama ‘Hope’ poster. See: bobalgreene.com https://www.behance.net/gallery/52834649/Rogue-One-Hope-Posters

Bob Al-Greene @bobalgreene drawing on Shepard Fairey's Obama ‘Hope’ poster. See: bobalgreene.com https://www.behance.net/gallery/52834649/Rogue-One-Hope-Posters

Artist unknown, created as part of the Hong Kong protests.

Artist unknown, created as part of the Hong Kong protests.

Another piece from Hong Kong, this time from #rebelpepperwang (@RebelPepperWang on Twitter).

Another piece from Hong Kong, this time from #rebelpepperwang (@RebelPepperWang on Twitter).


A virtual gallery of Star Wars political art (part 3)


A virtual gallery of Star Wars political art (part 1)