A virtual gallery of Star Wars political art (part 3)
As I’ve come across them, I’ve been posting examples of Star Wars-inspired political art on Instagram (@michaelharrisbooks). In previous posts here and here I’ve been republishing some of my favourites. If you’ve seen other examples (or can help with some of the artist attributions I haven’t been able to find), do let me know.
Artist unknown.
Orlando Arocena again, making the link between the saga and the Vietnam War by echoing the posters for Stanley Kubrick's 1987 movie Full Metal Jacket.
Artist unknown.
Artist unknown.
Another Hong Kong protest poster, artist unknown, via Telegram.
Unsurprisingly, Star Wars images have often been used by the Resistance, as this example demonstrates.
Artist unknown.
And because I can, here’s the cover image from my forthcoming book. Image by Louie dela Cruz.